Below you find a list of campsites in Romania that we would definitly recommend visiting. They speak English at all these locations, to make communication a bit easier for the foreign traveler. No matter your wishes, we’re sure there are a few options for you in this list to expand your travel plans in Romania.
Camping Babou Maramures(Breb, jud. Maramureș)
Borsa Turism (Borşa, jud. Maramureş)
Dolina village (Zece Hotare, jud. Bihor)
Camping Călătorul (Grohoţele, jud. Hunedoara)
Camping Argeş (Curtea de Argeş, jud. Argeş)
Camping De Oude Walnoot (Mihai Viteazu, jud Cluj)
Camping het Zwaluwnest (Nireş, jud. Cluj)
Camping de Oude Wilg (Cârta, jud. Sibiu)
Vampire camping Bran (Bran, jud. Braşov)
Camping Orange Valley (Valea Scheilor, jud.Prahova)
So there are enough options to stay and discover a huge area of Romania. But how to get here? And more importantly maybe: how to get around? Check out these folks of CamperAdventures Romania, now situated near Timişoara Airport.